Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How Did This Happen?

    When I found out I was preggers, I was like all 25 year old, unwed, college students... FREAKED OUT!  But when that baby boy was put into my arms, I knew everything was going to be ok.  Then when at a year old he became more and more unresponsive and silent, I knew something was wrong and again I was freaked out.  Then at 18 months old when he was diagnosed with PDD-NOS (pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified) I was hopeful.  He just had "a little" Autism, we could fix it.  We tried ABA, speech therapy, ocupational therapy, biomedical treatments, GF/CF diets, you name it if we heard about it and could scrape up the money, we tried it!  Then when he was 4 and was diagnosed with Autism, my heart broke and I mourned the loss of my son.  Things went through my mind like, he will never have a girlfriend, he will never go to prom, he will never get married, he will never, he will never...
    Then came Karson and my hopes for a "normal" child were renewed.  Then when at a year, then 2 years he was still not talking, I FREAKED OUT!  We went to Children's Hospital in Seattle, where they evaluated him to see if he too was Autistic, but the kind DR. would not label him.  "He has too many emerging skills, it is too early to tell,"  is what she told us.  This restored my faith, well a little.  While Karson does not have a formal diagnosis of ASD, he does show some of characterists.
    Now 10 years later, Kyle is still non-verbal.  However, my attitude has changed.  I don't think "he will never" any more.  I think, "he just hasn't yet."  Karson talks all the time and while he still shows those Autistic tendencies everyday, he is able to work through them and is getting to be a pretty "normal" little boy. 
   Thank you for following us on this journey we are taking with our boys.  It means so much to us to have so many people cheering us on. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited you have a blog! Thanks for sharing your story. I love seeing updates on your cute family.
